Thursday, 16 August 2012

Compost Vol. 3

After about a month we turned our compost heap.  Voila!  Soil in the making....

...We turned it onto a new well-drained spot, added more green material, more dead grass and more manure, all watered down well...

Stuck in an old black plastic conduit pipe found (somewhere) as a chimney...

...and covered it all up once again with a large sheet of plastic.  The chimney allows some of the extreme heat built up in the anaerobic process to be released.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Playing in the garden

cow dung collection point

the view from the garden over the Cintsa river

early August morning - still chilly!

turning beds, preparing for planting

the two no-dig beds from July post - already broken down!

bottles,wood,cardboard - a mess of free raw materials

old beer bottles collected from our local pub work really well to build and line beds

 more nitro-fixing,quick growing coral tree stumps lining a future pathway

building with bottles

beans,squash,marigold,nasturtium beds

introducing lemongrass

more tea!

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Make-shift nursery

We don't have a nursery yet, so we're utilising the early morning sun spot in our little house.  Not much space for seedlings, but they'll be getting full-time attention!