Wednesday, 3 July 2013


So we are down to a post a month now as Winter settles in and the plant growth slows...

..but the rosemary and sage we planted outside the front wall is loooving
the full-day sun!  we've also planted another ground-spreading oregano, since
they seem to be doing well here (see below)
the lavender hedge is shooting up like its summer

as for the vacant house across the road, the rosemary and sage now have an
oregano (bottom left corner) and a small spekboom (just behind the rosemary)
as friends, and the clover is going mad with all this new activity in the soil!

grass that we removed from the ground to plant the Sheena's Gold was left out to die
and dry out in the sun. we then used this to mulch the little plants for the cold nights,
even though they too get a full day's sun

little peppadew is popping well!  and the wild geranium
looks better since we cut it back a bit

in our patch we now have 2 beans (the heart-shaped leaves on the right)
and a spinach (small 2-leafed plant to the 10 o'clock of the stone)

the ground-spreading oregano is sprawling

interesting to see how the one hour or so of sunlight that our back garden gets has stimulated the tomato on the left to grow, and the one on the right is not growing at all because it is not getting
any of that sunlight.  the oregano in the middle and the gooseberry at the back are doing great

the little herb garden we started for the landlord is also coming along well despite
the winter chill and thin sunlight!

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