Saturday 20 October 2012

Current Growth

succulent bed with young aloe ferox, spekboom, pig's ear, moneymakers etc.

bed in foreground just sown with beans, squash, marigold, coriander growing in bottom right corner; beds in middle with swirly stands - gem squash, butternut, mung bean and runner beans with nasturtium and marigold

wild mint and rocket growing at the bottom of the garden, with lavender propagations

bulbonella and young guava tree with wild flowers in background

pathway forming at bottom of garden with rocket, coriander, sage and assorted flower seed planted to form a hedge

first cycle of beet and onion showing with parsley - all seem to really like it in this spot!

head gardener Steph got stuck in too and sprinkled some rocket, chives, bush beans, spinach and lettuce seeds - all poking their heads up now!

tree propagation nursery on our little balcony - paw-paw, num-num, peach, fig, gooseberry, and two types of mulberry

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