Friday 15 March 2013

March moves on and winter is coming

We managed to rescue a lot of hardy plants from our big veg garden - plenty of oregano, rosemary, sage...

Carrots are coming!  So are the spring onions and the oregano we planted seems to be a roaming ground cover oregano rather than the more common tall bushy variety

Basil is loving this new spot.  Yum pesto...

Anyway, that's all we have to report for now with regards to our own little garden.  There's still the space at the back of the house:

(stay tuned) 

AND **** the landlord's garden **** woohoooo!!!! which he has graciously allowed us to look at for a new design YAY:

 Until the next post here is some lovely meme stuff and posters - artivism to keep you sharp:

"just the way the world works, my girl..." Yeah but it doesn't have to be anymore.  Never really should have been in the first place.  But hey, now we've got the technology and the information to give a shit again

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