Thursday, 28 March 2013

Seedlings and some soft-core guerilla gardening

4 little beans I planted last week in what I am now calling the 'Awkward Tiers'
Will keep this blog posted on how they fare in this yuk shallow soil with no drainage

Small beginnings...

I decided to plant out my 5 little lavender bushes into the municipal lawn area just below our neighbour's driveway.  They will grow into a stout hedge and form a wall giving our front door some camouflage from passers-by.  I'm wondering how long it will take for the municipal garden services to report me....

That wasn't enough.  I decided that a rosemary would do grandly against our garden wall.  With a little sage.  Also municipal lawn.  But I did it neatly, so hopefully even if they do notice they'll leave them alone.

And I really got going.  I've been checking out the vacant house across the street for signs of life.  Nothing.  So this morning I let myself in and discovered a very lonely garden, and spotted the perfect place for another rosemary bush.  Here!

The soil here is very sandy so I mixed in a whole lot of compost, and then set the rosemary in

And then I thought the rosemary would be lonely, so I put a sage in next to it.  I'm going to have to keep checking up on them in the next few weeks because they'll need attention.  But after that they'll be ok on their own.  They're sturdy and stout and will hold up to the winter well.  I am sure that when it comes time to showing the house, the estate agent might or might not get a surprise.  Either way I am convinced these two will be welcome.  Well, anyway, they got there first.

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